
DR og Starship's succes

DR har lige udgivet Test af mega-rumraket fra SpaceX går galt for tredje gang af Karen Nielsen. Jeg følger entusiastisk Starship, og det slog mig at artiklen og især overskriften var misledende. Mens testen ikke gik perfekt, så gik den meget bedre end galt. For en normal raket som SLS, så består en opsendelse af følgende: Første stage fyrer løs, og første stage dratter så i havet Anden stage fyrer løs, frigiver payload i kredsløb om jorden, og anden stage dratter så i havet. Det var omtrent det samme som skete under Starship-opsendelsen, bortset fra at der ikke var nogen payload om bord. Så for enhver anden raket, så ville det have været en succesfuld test. Opsendelsen viste at Starship er (næsten) klar til brug som traditionel raket. Og ikke en hvilken som helst raket: Den største og kraftigste raket nogensinde, større end den legendariske Saturn V. Så når dr.dk skriver at " går galt for tredje gang ", " Tredje gang var ikke lykkens gang for "Stars...

Hvorfor er dmi.dk's vejrudsigt dårligere end vejrradaren?

Når man kigger på DMI's lokalvejrudsigt, så ser det ud som følger: Bemærk her at DMI har forudsagt regn klokken 16, med andre muligheder for regn. Men hvis man ser på dmi.dk's vejrradar, så forudser den ikke noget regn på min lokation (den røde marker): Bemærk at radaren både har fortid og fremtid, med et "nu" for lige nu på x-aksen. Det er min konsekvente oplevelse at jeg kan forudsige regn og byger langt bedre med forudsigelsen fra vejrradaren, end med lokaludsigten. Også på den dag hvor jeg tog billede og screenshot fra, hvor der som radaren forudsagde ikke kom noget regn lokalt. Hvordan kan det være at radaren er bedre - kunne dmi.dk ikke bare indsætte data fra forudsigelsen i vejrradaren i lokaludsigten? I artiklen " Radar på det nye dmi.dk: En byge af forbedringer " skriver DMI at Radaren, der viser nedbørens bevægelser over Danmark, er DMI's allermest populære enkelt-produkt. Men måske er grunden at DMI's standardprodukt, vejrudsigten, er...

Status for Universal Power Adapter for Mobile Devices (2019)

I quite like the idea of a common interchangable power supply for laptops, like micro-USB is/was the common interchangable power supply for phones. Hence I have been keeping half an eye on Universal Power Adapter for Mobile Devices . There doesn't seem to be any actual users of that standard, so I sent an email to IEEE inquiring if they knew of any users. This is the excellent reply I got from chair Leonard Tsai: Hi, Thue, I am the chair for IEEE 1823 working group and your email inquiry was forwarded to me early. Sorry about the belated reply as I just travelled to Asia. Currently the IT market which 1823 standard was originally intended had been swayed by USB SIG to use type C connector as alternatives. However, EU standard body had made inquiry to see if 1823 should be consider as the preferred connector for next get mobile device. Also, there are new interests from some automotive industry players that are looking at distributing DC bus inside a car (obvious that 1823 with C...

Making the Trust 1200 Wireless tablet work on Linux

I have gotten access to an old wireless tablet ("wireless" as in the pen is battery powered, tablet is wired USB), and have gotten it work. Since it was not trivial to figure out how to do that, I though I would describe the steps. First the context: in the old days, X11 communicated directly with the hardware. So for a tablet to work, there needed to exist an X11 driver. There seem to be 2 kinds of tablets: Wacom tablets and non-Wacom tablets, with Wacom tablets generally having much better Linux support. So the first thing I found was some X11 Wizardpen drivers which had not been updated since 2011, which supposedly supported various non-Wacom tablets. This was very much a blind alley. After some further investigation, I found that in the newer Wayland architecture, tablet drivers had been moved into the kernel, and the Wayland project libinput had been created as a middle layer. And in fact the DIGImend project had already created a driver for my tablet (which turn...

Status for Universal Power Adapter for Mobile Devices

I was curious about whether IEEE's Universal Power Adapter for Mobile Devices standard had been abandoned. Jonathan Goldberg of IEEE was kind enough to answer my email: Thue, Good afternoon. In fact, P1823 recently completed a recirculation ballot and has been submitted to the IEEE Standards Review Committee (RevCom) for December 2014 review and possible approval by the IEEE Standards Association Standards Board. Please let me know if you have any further questions on this project. Regards, Jonathan Goldberg Client Services Manager IEEE Standards Association p: +1 732 562 6088 c: +1 732 570 0116 f: +1 732 562 1571 e: goldberg.j@ieee.org IEEE - Fostering technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 12:04 PM, IEEE Standards webmail wrote: (Message sent via IEEE Standards webmail) ----------------------------------------- referer = http://standards.ieee.org/develop/project/1823.html first_name = Thue last_nam...

Dashed line error in Apple PDF viewer

I had the Apple PDF viewer choke on a PDF document which worked wine in other PDF viewers. I tracked it down to a funny dashed line. As can be seen on page 155 of the PDF specification for the third edition , dashed lines are specified as fx "[1 2] 0", which means 1 unit on, 2 units off. To stop dashing, you should write a dash specification of "[] 0". I had a pdf which tried to stop dashing by writing "[ 1 0 ] 0" ("[ 1 0 ] 0 d" actually, I haven't looked into what the "d" means). This worked fine in most PDF viewers, but in Apple's viewer the document stopped rendering at that point. I assume that it is the 0-gap (the first "0") which confuses it. Fixing the PDF generator to use the "[] 0 d" from the specification made it work in Apple's PDF viewer. So now you know, if you come across the same problem :). I would report it to Apple, but they don't seem to let you report bugs if you do not have...

The Sharing Knife

I liked the fantasy novels The Sharing Knife , so I asked Lois McMaster Bujold (the author) by email if more books in that series we planned. Her answer: Hi Thue -- No, only the 4 so far. Nothing else is planned at this time. There is, of course, a new Vorkosigan SF book coming out in November, _CryoBurn_. bests, Lois. Too bad :(